There are many ways to learn about what is happening at Border Star.
- The school administration (Mr. Michael Johnson) sends out a School Home Connection newsletter with announcements and school updates every other week on Monday. Here is an example of the School Home Connection (August 2023). If you are not receiving this newsletter via email or text, please contact the office.
- The official Border Star Montessori KCPS website contains current news, Frequently Asked Questions, a calendar, staff directory, and much more.
- The district's official Montessori United Facebook page is updated regularly and is a great place to ask questions about the two Montessori campuses, Border Star and Holliday.
- Teachers email parents and occasionally send home flyers about activities.
- Border Star's internal website has information for caregivers, including pages for each class that are updated throughout the year. If your classroom is not listed here, please contact your teacher for the direct link:
- Our occasional PTA email newsletter may be viewed here. There is a sign up form on that page if you'd like to receive these emails.
- Visit the BSM PTA Group page on Facebook. This is a safe space to discuss your and your child's Border Star experience, as well as make friends and stay connected.
- View these videos to get a better sense of what your students in Children's House are learning: Understanding Montessori education for Children’s House caregivers Practical Life and Sensorial; Montessori Math
- P3 and P4 Extended Day Before & After:
LINC (K-6) Extended Care Before & After: - Last but not least, one of the best ways to get information is by attending our monthly PTA meetings and getting involved!
If you need to connect with the school about any concerns, please use the chart below to figure out the best person to contact. This chart was updated in September 2023.