If you have not already paid, please provide payment via PayPal to put your name on the list for securing a 2019-2020 yearbook. If you already paid online or in the office, we have your name on the ordered list.
For everyone who has paid, your ordered quantity will be set aside and available for pick-up during several times to be scheduled this Summer, or your copy will be at the office once school returns in the Fall (knock on wood). If you show up to a yearbook event, $20 or paying online is required to get a yearbook.
Stay tuned to pick-up times posted via the Facebook Dragon Parents’ Group and by PTA emails.
There were a number of issues this year with the yearbook regarding photographs, student names, etc., and while very unfortunate just know that new measures will be put into place next year to give better visibility into more steps of the production process.
If you have not already paid, please provide payment via PayPal to put your name on the list for securing a 2019-2020 yearbook. If you already paid online or in the office, we have your name on the ordered list.
For everyone who has paid, your ordered quantity will be set aside and available for pick-up during several times to be scheduled this Summer, or your copy will be at the office once school returns in the Fall (knock on wood). If you show up to a yearbook event, $20 or paying online is required to get a yearbook.
Stay tuned to pick-up times posted via the Facebook Dragon Parents’ Group and by PTA emails.
There were a number of issues this year with the yearbook regarding photographs, student names, etc., and while very unfortunate just know that new measures will be put into place next year to give better visibility into more steps of the production process.